Tamas Haasz | Architectural, Interiors & Real Estate Photographer, Whitegate, Co. Cork, Ireland. Contact: +353 (85) 141 6648, tamas@tamashaasz.photography

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Village Roads Demonstration.

Members of the Whitegate Residents Association are protesting against the shameful conditions of the local roads.

"This is not a problem caused in recent days or weeks but has been an ongoing issue for many years down to the complete lack of capital investment in the roads in the parish. The R630 Whitegate - Midleton road is one of the most strategically important regional roads in the country given that 100’s of trucks travel it each day bring oil from the refinery and delivering and collecting from the other industries in the area as well as the most recent development of the soil facility out by Trabolgan Holiday Centre. “ by Shane Russell, Chairperson, Whitegate Residents Association